The Mississippi Folklife and Folk Artist Directory is the brainchild of my predecessor here at the MAC, Larry Morrisey. When Larry launched this site, he provided folk artists and traditions an online venue to be documented, celebrated and explored. Many researchers and enthusiasts look to the directory as a way to learn more about folklife in Mississippi, and we are very proud of the growing list of entries.
Fans of the Folklife Directory have a lot to look forward to this summer. We'll be adding nearly 30 new entries to the Directory covering a range of topics including blues, old-time string music, Celtic flute, Choctaw storytelling, folk art painting and luthiers. You'll get bio information, images and in some cases, audio and video, to help you better understand folklife in the Magnolia State. Documentary research was conducted by blues historian Scott Barretta, ethnomusicologist Chris Goertzen and writer Melanie Young.
Stay tuned and check back often for updates to Mississippi Folklife and Folk Artist Directory!